This article was originally published on the ViewSonic Library here: 5 Best Security Practices for Working Remotely


1. Provide Security Awareness Training
2. Keep Work Devices Separate from Personal Devices
3. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
4. Avoid Public Wi-Fi
5. Ensure Secure Password Practices
Final Thoughts

Establishing security practices for working remotely is critical when working from home. There are many things to consider when onboarding a new employee or reviewing proper security protocols with existing staff. Below are some helpful tips for any organization to follow to help strengthen and secure their company’s data when some or all team members work remotely.

Learn more about security and its benefits below or visit our business solutions page for more insights into working remotely.

What started as a temporary change in 2020, soon became a great experiment in remote working. Despite a rushed exit from office spaces that led to makeshift kitchen table workstations, businesses soon learned the value of working from home. More than a year later, the remote work model is now an integral part of workplace culture moving forward.

The challenge now is not only keeping remote workers productive but providing a secure work environment is just as important. Whether your employees are working from home or the coffee shop, certain measures must be taken to minimize security risks and data breaches that could hurt the rest of your company.

The following are some basic security best practices we recommend to keep your remote workforce safe and secure.
1. Provide Security Awareness Training

An aware workforce is a more secure workforce. Providing formal cybersecurity education to your employees can help to safeguard against cyber threats like phishing, ransomware, malware, and more. In fact, since the pandemic began and with more people working from home, cyber threats have increasingly become more sophisticated. For example, the following security issues should be top of mind for your remote workers:

Third-party software vulnerabilities: The top 30 online retailers in the US are connected to over 1,000 third-party resources each, and nearly a quarter of those assets have at least one critical vulnerability. So it’s important that users are aware that attacks can come from the software they use every day.
Social engineering: Social engineering utilizes deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that can then be used for fraudulent purposes. Social engineering attacks include, but are not limited to, phishing emails, scareware, quid pro quo, and others. Nearly a third of the security breaches that occurred in 2020 used social engineering techniques, of which 90% were phishing.
Ransomware: Attackers use data-encrypting programs to disrupt and destroy business processes, and/or also threaten to publish personal data. The attackers then demand payment to in order to stop their attack. The overall sum of ransom demands surpassed $1.4 billion in 2020.

By providing basic security policies and procedures to your employees, they are less likely to fall victim to cyber threats. Security awareness training also creates a more proactive and secure mindset and culture that prioritizes the protection of your company’s sensitive information and data.

2. Keep Work Devices Separate from Personal Devices

It’s always better for employees to use their company-provided laptops and mobile devices for work, rather than their personal devices. This may seem obvious, but sometimes remote workers may find it more convenient to use their own devices even if they have fully functioning equipment provided by their employers. However, using personal devices for work comes with inherent security risks.

Typically, your IT department will (and should) be running regular security updates, antivirus scans, and implementing countless other security measures in the background. The same security vigilance cannot be guaranteed on each of your remote workers’ personal devices. As a result, personal devices are more vulnerable to network threats that are less common in the office. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that these same personal devices are safe for use in work-related tasks.
3. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Unsecured home networks make it easier for cybercriminals to access emails and passwords. Conversely, a Virtual Private Network, or VPN, is similar to a firewall and helps to protect remote workers online while enabling them to have the same security, functionality, and appearance as if they were within the company network.

Because VPNs improve online privacy, remote workers should use a VPN. A VPN encrypts internet traffic and makes it unreadable to anyone who intercepts it. Make sure employees only use the VPN when working remotely and when accessing company information remotely.

4. Avoid Public Wi-Fi

Even less secure than home networks are Wi-Fi networks in public spaces. Working from a coffee shop, library or other public space opens employees up to hackers who are on the same network. It is best to advise remote workers not to work from a coffee shop or other public space unless absolutely necessary.

5. Ensure Secure Password Practices

Passwords are the first line of defense in the security of almost every computer, website, phone, or mobile device. However, creating strong passwords tends to be one of the most overlooked ways of protecting ourselves when working from home. We tend to write passwords down, reuse them, and often make them so simple that they are close to useless, but these are poor security practices.

Ensuring passwords are strong and secure is even more important when working remotely. At the most basic level, passwords should be long, strong, and unique: at least 12 characters comprised of a mix of numbers, symbols, and capital and lower-case letters. Your employees should also add a password screen every time they access a laptop or other device; this makes it harder for a third party to access sensitive data should a device ever fall into the wrong hands.


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